Okay, so I know I cross posted from The Pop Tort about Chamber Brain, but I cannot resist writing a post of my very own, especially when I was alerted to a poll they are conducting for Illinois.
You may be thinking what is this poll about?
Is it about protecting children from dangerous products? Umm, no, they oppose a bill in Congress that will do that, a bill that would make companies meet minimal safety standards and strengthen the Consumer Product Safety Commission. To them, this important legislation is just about "trial lawyers", not protecting children and the public from dangerous products. Seriously?!
Maybe it is about holding nursing homes accountable for wrongdoing in court? Umm, yeah no, not that either. In fact they believe that nursing homes should be allowed to REQUIRE an elderly patient - as a requirement of admission into a facility - to sign away their rights to jury trial should they be abused or neglected. That's right, so if your loved one gets injured they can't go to court to protect their rights, but must endure forced arbitration. They get to go to an arbitrator, who is usually paid for by the facility and then has no recourse if they are denied justice.
So have you guessed yet what their poll is all about? Well if you guessed it is about protecting corporate wrongdoers, hurting me and you by trying to limit our rights and blaming trial lawyers for problems with the economy, environment and everything else you would be CORRECT.
I would like to take this opportunity to "translate" their five question poll for you:
Illinois Big Corporate Citizens: We want OUR Opinion... Please take the time to fill out this ridiculous poll about how to screw over the little guy.
1) We conducted a recent poll with Harris Interactive, where we surveyed our membership and their corporate defense attorneys, we ranked Illinois 46 out of 50. Illinois courts continue to hold US accountable for our misdeeds. Do you think we need laws that will keep money in OUR pockets and out of the reach of innocent victims?
2) We have spent millions of dollars trying to convince the public that laws that take away our rights ONLY hurt attorneys who represent us when we've been hurt. As a result we are going to do it here one more time. Do you agree we should?
3) We believe that all lawsuits are frivolous (except for the ones our corporate members bring, of course). And our polling shows that the more times we mention the words "frivolous lawsuits" the better we do. So we will keep on saying "frivolous" hoping to convince average people that their lawsuits are always "frivolous." We may start using the terms frivolous children, frivolous environment, frivolous seniors, frivolous, frivolous, frivolous. Is it working?
4)Frivolous, Frivolous, Frivolous. Working yet?
5)Can you tell us a story about when an Illinois court held you responsible for a wrongdoing, even though you thought you should have gotten away with it.
Can you give it up already? The public isn't concerned with this stuff, because they are dealing with real problems. Stop trying to make them care about keeping money in the pockets of FAT CATS.
For this ridiculous poll and the recent other stunts the Chamber is pulling, I award them with the esteemed black belt in CRAZY.