Down in the southern Chicago suburb of Harvey, a terrible tragedy has the family of a fifteen-year-old girl seeking justice through the courts. After a school bus driver made the kids on her watch get off the bus and walk home, the girl was abducted and raped repeatedly by three masked men. Her family is trying to hold the bus company and driver accountable for their negligence.
This recent article from BusinessWeek is a disturbing read. Lesson learned: before you pay a hospital bill, make sure it’s for services you actually owe.
Chicago-based drug-maker Abbott got caught falsely reporting drug prices and has to pay Texans back $28 million. These guys wouldn’t appear on our blog so often (like here) if they’d just stop defrauding people.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed discrimination lawsuits in Illinois against two corporations. One claims that management at Chicago’s Swissotel hotel mocked and eventually fired a learning-disabled janitor. According to the other, a Rockford Wal-Mart illegally fired an employee because of her epilepsy.