After being disclosed last month, Chicago Aldermen finally approved the $20 million to settle the Burge torture case. The AP article stated:
Some aldermen pushed for the settlement as a way to begin healing community relations with police after decades-old allegations of torture by former Lt. Jon Burge and officers under his command.
The suit involved four African-American men who alleged that they were tortured while being interrogated by Chicago Police. The article cited a report from special prosecutors released last year stating that "...Burge led a group of officers that used beatings, electric shocks and other methods to get suspects, most of them black, to confess. Prosecutors have said they can't be charged because the statute of limitations expired."
Unfortunately, situations like this arise where criminal conduct cannot be criminally punished, and victims rely on the civil justice system to seek redress and hold wrong-doers accountable. Let's hope that this settlement sends a clear message to would be torturers that there will be consequences if you behave in this manner.